"Falcon Events Flight School" is the name given to the training program which we offer since 2022.
This program is specifically designed for the F-16 in Falcon BMS and to the way how Falcon Events operates during casual flights, training flights and multiplayer missions.

The "FE Flight School" provides a sequential training program and syllabus to ensure pilots adapt:

1. The SOP's used by Falcon Events to enable effective teamwork and efficient briefings/de-briefings.
2. The Comms Standards and Operational Brevity Codes used by Falcon Events (and most of the online community), what they mean, why and how they are used.
3. The required flying skills and F-16 knowledge to enable pilots to fly effectively together on the same level.

The "FE Flight School" is broken down into four programs with different phases each that place an emphasis on building up pilots’ knowledge and capability:

1. UPT (Undergraduate Pilot Training)
2. IQT (Initial Qualification Training)
3. MQT (Mission Qualification Training)
4. FLUG (Flight Lead Upgrade)

The UPT program is for 100% beginners and pilots with no/minimum multiplayer experience.
In two ground school sessions (3 hours totally) you learn everything from setting up BMS correctly to actually rampstart, avionic basics, taxi, takeoff and basic landing.

When succedded UPT or when already more advanced in the simulator universe, we attempt to provide the deeper core foundations throughout the IQT program of 4 flights totalling about 10 flying hours.

IQT is about formations, tac-turns, advanced take off and landing procedures, aerobatics, HARTS, etc.

After going through IQT, the MQT program is there for sharpen pilots skills in weapons, basic Air to Air and Air to Ground tactics as well as more overall advanced procedures to succedd (and survive) a real mission.

When succedded MQT, you are CMR (Combat Mission Ready) and ready to participate also in bigger missions here on Falcon Events.

The FLUG Training is for the more experienced virtual pilots who wanna lead elements, 2-ship/4-ship flights or larger package flights.

Here you find an overview about the topics in each cource:
UPT 1 Multiplayer setup, General BMS overview (DTC, 2d, Loadout, etc.).
UPT 2 Going into 3d (Do's and dont's), Ramp start procedure, Comms basics, Taxiing, VFR Takeoff, VFR approach (Straight in), Shutdown, Leaving 3d.
IQT 1 Airport diagrams, Basic Navigation, Formation flying (Basics), Tac-Turns (Basics), Air-to-Air refueling (Basics), VFR approach (Overhead break).
IQT 2 SID (Standard Instrument Departure) and ILS/TACAN charts, IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) procedures, Tac-Turns (Refresher), Formation Transitions, Time on Target (ToT), Horns Awareness Recovery Training (HARTS).
IQT 3 Formation Takeoff, Aerobatics, Night formation flying low/high altitude, Night Tac-Turns, Night Air-to-Air refueling (Advanced), Night Formation Landing (VFR).
IQT 4 Intercept procedures, IFF Systems, IFF Modes, IFF Interogation , Link 16 Basics, Introduction to Combat Air Patrol (CAP)
MQT 1 BRAA/Bullseye picture calls, Missile evasion (AMRAAM), Beyond Visual Range (BVR) Tactics (Basic); 1v1, 2v2, Tactical recovery procedures (TRP).
MQT 2 Basic Fighter Maneuvers (BFM); 1v1. WVR ACM; 2v1, 2v2.
MQT 3 Air-to-ground release modes (CCRP, CCIP, DTOS), Mk82, Cluster bombs, BLU107, KOTAR Range operations (BDU33 and Guns).
MQT 4 Basic SEAD tactics, Low threat SAM Missile evasion, HARMs & Mavericks.
MQT 5 Advanced attack profiles (Loft, Popup, Buddy lasing), JDAMs, LGBs.
FLUG 1 2-ship Flight Lead Training (Basic):
Lead a simple training flight, Flight briefing, Flight execution, Troubleshooting and decision making by proving leadership, Detailed debriefing
FLUG 2 2-ship Flight Lead Training (Advanced):
Lead a advanced A-A or A-G training mission, Flight briefing, Flight execution, Troubleshooting and decision making by proving leadership, Detailed debriefing
FLUG 3 4-ship Flight Lead Training (Basic):
Lead a simple training flight, Flight briefing, Flight execution, Troubleshooting and decision making by proving leadership, Detailed debriefing
FLUG 4 4-ship Flight Lead Training (Advanced):
You will plan a simple A-A or A-G mission by yourself by a given commander’s intent. Flight briefing, Flight execution, Troubleshooting and decision making by proving leadership, Detailed debriefing
No matter how long each pilot participates on our programs, they are free to join virtual squadrons or fly in the enviroment they like. We are no squadron!

If you are exited now, send your application and join our Falcon Events Flight School!

